How to send friend request when facebook banned you


 The FF extension named "Tamper Data"(DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL IT)after installing tamper data in Firefox just u have to do is follow simple steps!!

 go to tools/tamper data than at the top u will see three options in left side (start temper,stop temper{which is hidden it will show when u will click start temper} and clear) and in right side u have 2 options (option and help) u have to do is just click on start temper than finally click the send rqst button Once you've clicked the Send Request button with Tamper Data strtd the above screen will show make sure that the URL shown looks like the above one, so you are are adjusting the correct data.

Then Click the Tamper button You'll come to the above screen next. Follow the instructions as shown and click the OK button. If or when any other "Tamper with request" screens popup while you're in the middle of editing the above data, just click the "Abort request" button on it to get it out of your way.Once you click the OK button on the edit screen you'll see the above popup dialog, just click the OK button. 
This needs to be done to keep all data proper before it's sent
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