Valentines day one of the best day where every loved one waits for to share there feeling to the special person of their life.. Here sharing with you all some best words that you can message it or share with your loved one to express your emotions.... hope you all like it. but according to me i feel you should express what you feel from bottom of your heart about you love. I'm just helping you out by sharing this beautiful wishes .
Stay there in my life always to make it more beautiful... Happy valentines day.
Some times we make love with your eyes our hands,our bodies and always we make love with our hearts.Happy Valentines Day
On this valentines i admire that -
Its your sight which makes me nervous,
Its your voice which makes me shivers,
Its your presence that tinkles my bones,
Its your eyes those are killing me.
Its you for which my heart goes restless..
On this valentines day . i admit i love you n very happy valentines day.
To love someone deeply gives you strength. being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.
My heart want to follow wherever you go and my thought only revere around you and mine.
If instead of a gem ,or even a flower,we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give... Happy Valentines Day
Love is just love,it can never be explained.Happy Valentines Day
There are the two states of my heart depending on whether you are with me or away from me.Happy Valentines Day
You are so special to me, you're my joy,my love and my life
living without you will tear me apart cause you make my life worth living.......Happy Valentines Day
I love now,tomorrow and today, and if god give me the time.. I'll love you till the end of my life....
happy valentines day .. Happy Valentines Day
It's not what you have done foe me that makes me love you so much,it's the joy of who you are and the happiness you bring....Happy Valentines Day
My love for you is unconditional,you always stood beside me in my good and bad times, dear ,i want to old your hands forever and ever....Happy Valentines Day
You've given me a reason for smiling once again, you've filled my life with peaceful dreams and you've become my closest've shared your heartfelt secrets and your trust you've given me,you showed me how to feel again to lough and love and see if life should end tomorrow and from this world i should parts i shall be forever young for you have touched my heart. Happy Valentines Day
I may be away but I'm sure...even when we're for apart...
distance can never change...the love i have for you in my heart... thinking of you... Happy Valentines Day
love into my heart and see what I'm saying, for my heart speaks the truth, and the truth is I LOVE YOU.
More than ever, i love you
More than ever,i admire you
More than ever,i like you
More than ever,i respect you
More than ever,i want you forever..Happy Valentines Day
Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprint in your heart.
Love is a promise,love is a souvenir,once given never forgiven never forgotten, never let it disappear.Happy Valentines Day
Your eyes, your smile,out touches,your kiss,your promises,your words,our everlasting bliss...Happy Valentines Day
Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.....Happy Valentines Day
Valentine's day is just an excuse for me to tell you again that.... i love you. you are the best thing to have happened to me.... you are the sweetest valentine inn the whole world...Happy Valentines Day
The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart....Happy Valentines Day
Even though we don't get to be with each other as much as we'd like... i wanted to let you know in the morning... in the night... you are on my mind every second on my life....Happy Valentines Day
By miles you are far from me! By thoughts you are close to me! By heart you are Mine.....Happy Valentines Day
My dear valentines time stands still when our arms around us and your heart beats with mine! I'm so glad that you are mine!!Happy Valentines Day
Love is not an exam to pass or fail. Love is not a competition to win or loss.but love is a feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself...Happy Valentines Day
You are the dream in my sleep. you are my vision in my eyes. you are my smile on my lips. you are beat of my heart. you are angel in my prayer... you are light of my life Happy Valentines Day
I love you for those thousands reasons you gave me to smile in this world..
Your love made me discover the real meaning of my existence..
you made my world so complete that if i need to choose between loving you and my life i will use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU!!! Happy Valentines Day
Your love surrounds are like the air that i breathe,
Your kiss touches me as gentle as a heaven.
Your ouch is as tender as that of a child..
Your hug is warm and mild..
The love that you give me is all that i need...Happy Valentines Day.