Friends today I'm gonna share a trick related to Facebook where you can surprise your friends by setting two different images on your profile one on your timeline and other on your chat box and updates what ever you do. here are few steps i've shared with you that how you can do that ...
1.Firstly you have to Open your Profile Picture Album by clicking on Photos Tab, Choose a Picture that you want to use as another Profile Picture.
2. Open the selected Picture in a New Window By Holding Ctrl and Clicking on it.
1.Firstly you have to Open your Profile Picture Album by clicking on Photos Tab, Choose a Picture that you want to use as another Profile Picture.
2. Open the selected Picture in a New Window By Holding Ctrl and Clicking on it.
3. Now Check the URL of that Picture, you will get something as shown below URL
Now you need Copy the fbid code, Here in the above url, my photo fbid code is 642566305789357
4. Now Go to your Timeline, hangover your mouse on your Profile Picture, you will see Edit Profile Picture Option,Click on it and Select Edit Thumbnail.
Step 5: A popup window will appear, now Right Click on your Profile Picture and Choose Inspect Element,
Scroll down or press Ctrl F and place this code in that to find the code <form action=””
6. Now click on the Small arrow to Expand the Code Further.
Scroll down a bit or press Ctrl F and place this code, <input type=”hidden” autocomplete=”off” name=”photo_fbid” value=”642566305789357“>
Now all You need to do is Replace the Current fbid Value with the one you Copied earlier in 3, You can do it by Double Clicking on the Current fbid Value and Replace it with the one you Copied earlier which is in my case :642566305789357.
7 Click anywhere , Close Inspect Element Window and Now Click on Save, That's it you are now done with it, Now Check your timeline, update any status and you will see Different Profile Picture.
7 Click anywhere , Close Inspect Element Window and Now Click on Save, That's it you are now done with it, Now Check your timeline, update any status and you will see Different Profile Picture.