Hello friends,
Symantec as now released a new version of Norton Internet Security, Norton 360 beta version 2013, and Norton Anti Virus to public.
These products are designed to be compatible with the Consumer Preview Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista.
In addition to providing protection through the cloud core, this beta version now includes an improved cloud features such as Norton Management, Norton Identity Safe, and online backup. These features, according to Norton will make consumers easier to manage and maintain the security of their personal information remains secure wherever and whenever.
Draft of Norton 360 beta version 2013, according to Norton, made to be more superior than the previous version. In addition, to provide best in class security technology and a seamless user experience, including improved beta version of the main features such as Metro App Protection, Next Generation Firewall Protection, Bandwidth Monitoring.
The beta version of Norton Internet Security, Norton 360 beta version 2013, and Norton Anti Virus product is available to download for free at the Norton Beta Center. The beta testers are expected to provide input and discuss the experience of their products in the Norton Public Beta Forum. If you interest, you can download of Norton Antivirus for free on there.