Soft-soft teddy to say you to take care of yourself and hug it in the absence of me whenever you feel alone and find me beside you . Happy Teddy Day.
I wish i could have magical powers and turn you as Teddy to keep you always with me and feel you always.Happy Teddy Day

Small teddy to add a smile on your face,
Soft teddy to make you feel softness of our tender love,
Cute Teddy to show the cuteness in you,
So here is all in one small,soft and cute teddy for you on the Special day to wish you Happy Teddy Day
A teddy to show your anger,
A teddy to show your love,
A teddy to show innocence in you,
A teddy to show trust in you,
A teddy to show your care,
A teddy to show my presence in your life,
Bunch of teddy s on this day,to show my love for my angel.
Happy Teddy Day.
Soft cute teddy just for you to draw a smile on your face and say Happy Teddy Day.