New Year Resolutions 2013/Best New Year Resolutions 2013

Hello Friends..

 New Year is  about to come and we are thinking what should  be our resolutions for this New year. Some thing that we should follow and bring changes in ourselves for the new turn of life... Searching for a resolution in net sounds  bit funny because it should be the changes that you need to bring in yourselves  by recognizing your mistakes what you did in past and how you can make your life much better .

I'm just sharing with you all some ideas regarding resolution i think which may help you to find the correct one.
I will respect  everybody.

 I will not bare(support) any wrong things happening in my sourrounding.

I will Give more importance to relations than money.

 I will  spend time wisely.

 I would never take part in any corruption and try to stop in my surrounding if it is happening .

 I will mend broken relationships.

 I will focus more on giving rather than taking.

  I will make it sure to give my wife a good night kiss whenever she sleeps, and a peck on her forehead  even before sun's rays wake her up.

 I will quit smoking. Not for me, but for my family.

 I will stand by my love come what may. It is not a resolution but a vow.

 Every morning I would say these words to my wife, "Give me all of your tears and take from me all of my  smiles".

 I would try to become my daughter's best friend.

 I will do my bit to stop corruption in my country.

I would never ever doubt my Girlfriend/wife's commitment for me. And, this is a resolution for the whole life.

I will not crib about things, would rather remain content for what has life given to me
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